Picture of Our World

Picture of Our World

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Tees 4-H Wranglers Clinic with Flattop Horsemanship At Vic Almond's Arena

Well, to say that this weather we have been having is annoying is likely a pretty big understatement.  However, we didn't let the weather deter us from having a great clinic with the kids this weekend.  Marty and Yvonne trekked up from Stavely with 3 horses and we rolled out the Wrangler Red Carpet for them.  The weather was absolutely awful on Saturday, so Vic generously offered to fill up his stalls with our horses so that none of us were risking life and limb or that of the horses on the way home.  So, we had 2 great days of learning about pressure and the release of pressure and how that applies to everything we do with our horse!  It was a great reminder from the clinic we had in the fall and the kids and adults alike got a lot out of it.  Marty and Yvonne are terrific to work with and a good time was had by all!

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