Picture of Our World

Picture of Our World

Friday, December 10, 2010

Tees 4-H Wranglers

For many moons (like 11 years), I was a Light Horse 4-H Club Member in Hill Spring. Josh was a member of Light Horse & Multi 4-H for 10 years. In the past 10 years we have assisted with Public Speaking Judging, Record Book Judging and Assistant Leading for a number of clubs. It's safe to say, we love 4-H and now that our kids are old enough for 4-H, we decided to start up a club close to home so that we didn't have to do so much traveling and the community could hopefully benefit from some of our knowledge.

So, we started up the Tees 4-H Wranglers Light Horse & Rodeo Club and thusfar it has been a raging success! We have 19 kids - 16 regular members and 3 Cleaver kids (kids under 9) We have a terrific group of kids and a great group of parents. We have already been to one horse show where our club did amazing considering they had only ever been in the arena as a group once before. Then we had a great Halloween party with all kinds of costumes and games and fun! Now we have been riding and Christmas partying and hosting the 1st Annual Tees Family Dance! So great! Life is good!

Here's some pictures of our club!

Road Trip August 2010

Wow, it appears I have been remiss in keeping up with my blog. So, I will apologize to me 3 followers, lol. In honesty the main reason I even remembered to do it is because Jordynn checks it at school and has been harassing me. A lot has happened since July long, but much of it will be in my Christmas letter, so I will try not to duplicate.

I will save our terrific 4-H club for another blog because there is so much to say and update about how great that is going!

Josh and I and the kids did a 10 day road trip through 2 provinces and 4 states. What a great time we had! Mom and Dad joined us for 2 states and a province ;) We had so much fun. We visited historic Deadwood, South Dakota and had a terrific time at the campground there as well as touring town and panning for gold in a gold mine. Our kids love museums so we spent a lot of time at museums as well as seeing Mt. Rushmore which was amazing, Crazy Horse, which was cool. Old Faithful was also terrific. We did some back to school shopping in Cody, Helena and Great Falls. Here are some pics from our trip.