Thought I would do a quick post this morning. School buses aren't running because of pea soup fog, so I had an hour to kill. I have to tell you that having Rylee in 4H is so great for us and yet so strange. I don't feel old enough to be participating as a parent :) One thing that Josh and I are incredibly proud of is Rylee's public speaking abilities. Last year he did a presentation on Rodeo and won 1st in his club. This year he is doing his speech on bull fighters and he did the research and 95% of the writing other than some fine tuning and it is great. He is determined to go to the next level this year, so we are encouraging him to practice, practice, practice. I will have to post some pics of the actual speakoffs on February 7!
One thing Josh and I have learned from Rylee's 4H experience this year is that we have far too much knowledge and ideas to sit back and just be parents. So, since we are currently going back and forth to Red Deer for 4H, we have decided to start our own western light horse and rodeo 4H club based out of Tees next year. Looking forward to all the trials and tribulations that will be involved with that.
Anyhow, best go get the kids ready for school.
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