Picture of Our World

Picture of Our World

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Fall 09

My gosh time flies ridiculously fast. I keep telling myself I will do a better job of keeping this up. Guess that is not so much the case. Well, I can hardly begin to figure out where to start since February.

After 2 horrendous house hunting trips and one successful one, we finally found "the" place. 7 or 8 trailer loads of horses, farm stuff, and a moving van full of household belongings brought the whole family to our new location outside of Clive, Alberta. For those of you who don't know, that means we are 15 minutes east of Lacombe, just off Hwy 12 is. For those who don't know where Lacombe is... well, you will just have to come visit.

Since we got here, I have started my position as Account Manager with ATB Financial in Lacombe. Josh started out with Profab Welding and has since made a great decision to join the team at Metalex Metal Buildings out of Stettler. We spent some time getting to know Lorisa and Clay and I have a good feeling about them, much better than I have had about certain others in the past (who shall remain nameless here, but not forgotten by me - all I can say is Kharma can be a bitch). So far he has really been enjoying his job.

Jordynn and Rylee have really settled in here. Rylee started Grade 5 and Jordynn started Grade 2 in Clive at the end of August. They both love their teachers and are quickly making friends.

As for us, it's a lot like we never left. Have spent some time camping and playing ball and hanging out. You know you are good friends when you can just pick kp where you left off just like you had never been apart.

Well, rather than spend a ton of time boring you with more details, I will sign off for now!



The Letniaks said...

I'm glad I'm not the only computer geek out there that does a blog besides my family!!! I'll have to check up on you guys here to see how you're doing. Glad to see that you're a bit more settled in your new place and glad to have you closer to east central Alberta. Maybe we'll get to run into you now and again! :)

Mustanggirlab said...

That would be great! We would love to have you drop by for a visit. We are hoping to get out to Veteran one of these days as well!

I love the blogging, just forget to do it a lot of the time!

Hope the beautiful fall is treating you guys well despite the severe need for moisture!